Businesses : Ethiopia
Manufacturing Sector

Cosmar East Africa Business Sh. Co
Cosmar East Africa Business Share Company is a reputed company established in Bole Sub city, Woreda 07, Gurde Sholla Addis Ababa, Ethiopa in accordance with the Ethiopian commercial code. The company is proudly serving the Ethiopian market in skin care, hair care and oral care products. The Company has best in class manufacturing facilities with a integrated plastic manufacturing plant.
In Feb 2016 Company were restructured with new investment and majority share holding by Chemi & Cotex Ethiopia Limited in joint venture with East Africa Holding Sh. Co. Chemi & Cotex Ethiopian Limited is a company with registered office in British Virgin Islands.
Cosmar is witnessing exponential growth across the categories with most products having gained excellent customer and consumer feedback. The newly refurbished Cosmar factory has opened job opportunity for More than 150 regular and more than 28 contracts Employees.
The Company has undergone through different stages of reform to bring about overall organizational effectiveness and efficiency to the level that matches both customers’ & consumer’s expectations.
In Feb 2016 Company were restructured with new investment and majority share holding by Chemi & Cotex Ethiopia Limited in joint venture with East Africa Holding Sh. Co. Chemi & Cotex Ethiopian Limited is a company with registered office in British Virgin Islands.
Cosmar is witnessing exponential growth across the categories with most products having gained excellent customer and consumer feedback. The newly refurbished Cosmar factory has opened job opportunity for More than 150 regular and more than 28 contracts Employees.
The Company has undergone through different stages of reform to bring about overall organizational effectiveness and efficiency to the level that matches both customers’ & consumer’s expectations.